Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let's Dance.

Of the many things I enjoy in life, one is the 1940's Era.
The music, the dancing, the style, the language.
It's a magical time in Hollywood, and I wish so much we still wore those elegant dresses, and cared so much about manners and tact.
If there's one thing I want my kids to appreciate, it would be that.

This afternoon I turned on the tv to a movie, starring Fred Astaire. Of course, I was hooked.

I didn't expect the girls to care about an old fashioned black and white, but they were also immediately entranced. They both began asking me about the movie.

Why is it black and white? What are they doing? Who is that lady? I like her lipstick! She makes me want to dance, too!

My heart filled with joy and contentment as the girls donned their tutu's and danced along with Fred and his Leading Lady.

These are the memories I hope I keep forever.

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