Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Week of Firsts

While we were in Arkansas, Jessica told me she wanted me to get married to Daddy again. I asked her what she meant by it, and she said "I just want daddy to live in our house again and I want you to get married again."
I think she may have felt that since Daddy left, we were no longer married. I did not know what to say to her, other than to reassure her that her Daddy and I were still married, and he just had to stay at work for a long long time. I felt torn up inside because I don't truly think I know how much she is hurting for her daddy.

In better news, this has been a week of firsts.
Over the past 4 days, Oliver has been slowly trying Brown Rice Cereal, and has decided he loves it. At first he wasn't interested. I slowly tried it once a day until one day I made it a bit thicker (I had been watering it down quite a bit) and he just went crazy with excitement. I wasn't too keen on the whole solid food idea at first, but when I saw the Organic Rice Cereal, I decided to give it a whirl. This afternoon I tried my hand at putting his high chair together, and oh my! The things I forget to be thankful for! One being, Adam's volunteering to put together baby equipment. I would be happy if I never had to assemble anything ever again. Whoever wrote the instructions for this high chair should be whacked with french bread. (Eddie Izzard reference)
I can't believe my baby boy is getting so big.

Also, since being home we've added a few new chores to the list. One being the girls are loading and unloading the dishwasher. They are eager to help, and I am very much all for them learning how to be self-sufficient. Jessie thrives on chores, which astounds me. I hate them.

Jessica took her first shower "by herself". She washed herself and scrubbed her hair, but I helped make sure she got everything clean enough. She did pretty well, though, for her first time. She isn't quite old enough to do it often, but every now and then I don't mind letting her. It makes her feel great to do things on her own.

Audrey's potty training is non-existent, really. Which completely irritates me. She has no interest in it. By this age, Jessie refused to wear diapers, and didn't need any coaxing onto the potty. Audrey on the other hand, couldn't care less about it. I am trying my best to just let her do it on her own time. I suggest it to her hourly, but in the end I usually end up changing a large diaper. Let me tell you, three year old poops are not for the faint of heart.

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